Montag, 18. Dezember 2017

Montag, 18.12.2017 Turnier in der Indoorfußballhalle SoccercenTor

Today we had a normal schoolday. First we had a German lesson 
and watched a movie called „Die Physiker“. It is the movie to the book, which we read at school. After the break, it was time for „Pädagogik“ . Here we worked out the main aspects about what one can reach whith education. Than we had religion. We talked about the differences between some religions. Last but not least, we had math. We were allowed to ask as many questions as we want, because tomorrow we are going to write a classtest.

After these six lessons, the main program started. With the bus we 
drove to the „soccercentor“ where we had a soccer tournament. My team did not win a match at all but we all had fun. The first three teams won some sweets and they shared them with us. At the evening we got some Chinese food. It was very delicious.

(Dennis Juber)

Heute sind wir zur Schule gegangen. Wir  haben Deutsch in der ersten Stunde gehabt. Wir haben einen Film gesehen. Es war sehr interessant. Später haben wir Pädagogik gehabt. Es war lustig aber ich habe es  nicht verstanden. Später haben wir Religion gehabt. Nach der Schule haben wir Fußball gespielt. Es hat Spaß gemacht aber ich bin nicht gut im Fußball. 
(Thaddeus Tang)

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