Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2017

Mittwoch, 13.12.2017 --- Deutsches Fußballmuseum in Dortmund und Bayer04 gegen Werder Bremen

 Die ersten Klasse war English. Die Klasse sollten ein Arbeitsblatt vollständigen. Die Aufgabe bestand darin, aus dem Deutschen ins Englische zu übersetzen.Die nächster Klasse war Sport. Seung und ich hatten Badminton gespielt. Wir hatten zwei Spiele gespielt. Der Rest der Klasse hatte einen Test.Um zwei Uhr besuchten wir das Fußballballmuseum in Dortmund  Es war sehr interessant. Wir sind nach Leverkusen zurückgekehrt, um das Fußballspiel zu sehen. Die Heimmannschaft, Bayer Leverkusen hatten gewonnen, 1:0.

(Rukshan Perera)

 After we finished our lessons today, we went to the train station Leverkusen Mitte to take the train to Dortmund. 
As we got out of the train we had the possibility to buy some food because we hadnt the time to eat at school. 
After lunch, we went to the German Football Museum that was located across from the trainstation. The museum was about the history of German football, the ups and downs of the national football team and especially the world cup in year 2014, where Germany won in the finals against Argentina with 1:0. When we finished the tour we had the time to go to the Christmas Market in Dortmund.We had to take the train back to Leverkusen and we arrived at 7:00pm.
The last point of our program was the Football game Leverkusen vs. Werder Bremen. It was fun but also very cold.Leverkusen won with 1:0 and our day endet at 10:15 pm. ( Alexandros Geisler)

Bayer 04 gegen Werder Bremen 

Weihnachtliche Stimmung am Ende des Spiels

Heute haben wir das Deutsche Fußball-Museum in Dortmund besucht. Auf der Fahrt haben wir Bus und Bahn genutzt. Der Höhepunkt des Tages war der Besuch des Bundesliga-Spiels am Abend in Leverkusen. Bayer 04 Leverkusen hat gegen Werder Bremen 1:0 gewonnen. Später mussten wir uns der Herausforderung stellen, durch Starkregen zurück zum Haus der Gastgeberfamilie zu kommen…
Today we visited the German Football Museum in Dortmund. To get there we took bus and train connections. The highlight was the Bundesliga game we joined in the evening in Leverkusen. Bayer 04 Leverkusen did win against Bremen 1:0. Later, the challenge was to get through heavy rain back home to the host families…

Interview (Luis interviews Hari…):

Hari, do you visit soccer stadiums often in Melbourne?
I’ve been to one soccer match in Melbourne. But Australian Football and Rugby are more popular in our country.

What did you like with the game in the BayArena?
I liked the atmosphere a lot. People seem to be very engaged with the players There was also a nice happening when the stadium was put into dark and we got lights to illuminate.

You live in a family. What is different with German households compared to Australia?
In Australia, there is less food throughout the day, e.g. we do not sit together for breakfast or have a warm meal in school for lunch, but we typically have a more heavy dinner. As the school starts earlier here, we need to get up pretty early….  On the other hand, it is very convenient that most pupils live very close by. In Melbourne, often there is a long way from the suburbs to school.  

Today you visited the German football museum. What were your impressions?
Amazing how popular football is in Germany, everybody seems to play it. Also, it is taken very seriously. Germany has had many successes over the last decades and they seem to be very proud about that.

Hari Vijayanandan            Luis Chmilewski

Deutsches Fußballmuseum in Dortmund

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